As we anticipate the birth of our second daughter this June, I am trying to anticipate everything we may need to have on hand in the month following the birth. I know that I will be having a c-section, which will mean I am basically out of commission for a few weeks. In addition to stocking the freezer with meals, I have begun buying extras of our commonly used household items and some other things you may not think of buying in advance. Here's a little list for anyone who may want to try this as well.
- toiletries. Next time you buy shampoo, toothpaste, etc grab an extra bottle or two to set aside.
- Snacks and other non-perishable foods. In addition to stocking the freezer with cooked meals, I'm stocking the pantry too. I will be pre-portioning snacks for my toddler so that she can grab them herself when I am busy with baby.
- Birthday or other holiday gifts. We have several birthdays in our extended family that fall near the birth of the baby, so I have gone ahead and bought cards for those people and will have them addressed and ready to be mailed. This way I can ensure no one is forgotten and I won't have to stress about this at the last minute. Also, my daughter's 3rd birthday is about 6 weeks after the baby is due, so I am plannng and preparing for her party as well. I already have the invitations, and will be buying the remaining supplies soon. All we'll need to do at the last minute is the food.
If you have any other suggestions for things to be stocked up on please let me know!
here for more Works for Me Wednesday tips.